Artist Statement & Bio

Cole Cramer is an artist from the American Midwest who draws from his experience with dissociative identity disorder, who paints from the perspectives of his alters (or personalities) to capture parts of his experience. Depending on which personality is directing the artwork, the focus will shift between realistic portraiture, expressionistic “mood” centered paintings, and playful drawings of anthropomorphic characters among others.
​Cole is an artist with dissociative identity disorder, meaning his personality (and, consequently) his artistic style is split into separate pieces. He paints out of what each part of him remembers, feels, and wants to bring into the world. Each of his alters (the individual faces of his personality) were formed by necessity as he grew up and serve specialized purposes to help him function and find satisfaction in life. Due to the nature of his art, each painting must be seen as a window into a part of his consciousness, not something representative of him as a whole. In viewing his art, he invites art lovers to walk along a journey of discovery, a path he walks daily as he learns who he really is.